Wolof Vocabulary relating to Reptiles

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More important reptiles or those which commonly appear in Wolof stories or in the Bible are highlighted in yellow.

lu di watatu li / watatukat bi

reptile / reptile

mbag mi / bar bi

nile monitor lizard
/ varan du nil
(Varanus niloticus niloticus)
mbëtt mi

savannah or Boscs monitor lizard
/ varan de terre, gueule-tapée
(Varanus exanthematicus)


chameleon / caméléon
(Chamaeleo senegalensis, Chamaeleo gracilis)

sindax bi

agama / margouillat
(Various species of Agama)

bët-bëtoor bi

subtype of sindax (larger, older and more colorful)
(Agama agama)

wunk bi / unk bi

gecko / gecko

tabandoor bi

fat-tailed gecko /
(Hemitheconyx caudicinctus)

yal bi

/ mabouya
Mabuya perrottetii
Mabuya affinis
jaan ji

snake / serpent
yeew mi (godd)
africa rock python
/ python de séba
(Python sebae)

ñàngóor mi

spitting cobra / serpent cracheur
Naja nigricollis

xonq mi

/ couleuvre sifflante
Psamophis sibilans
céebi / séebi bi

/ vipère heurtante
Bitis arietans

/ bao de sable
Eryx spp
saamaan mi

cobra /
Naja haje
  jasig ji
crocodile picture
crocodile / crocodile
mbonnat mi

tortoise or turtle / tortue
mbonnatu géej mi / ndumaar mi / dagay gi / màwwa gi

sea turtle / tortue de mer
Dermochelys coriacea
Chelonia mydas
Eretmochelys imbricata
Caretta caretta

mbonnatu suuf mi / xom bi
african spurred tortoise /
tortue de terre (tortue géante sillonnée)
Geochelone sulcata

mbonnatu déeg mi

mud turtle / tortue péluse
Pelusios castaneus
Pelusios adansonii

mbonnatu déeg mi

helmeted turtle
/ tortue aquatique, tortue plate
Pelomedrusa subruta
also Trionyx triunguis
Kinixys belliana

mbonnatu ndox mi

senegal flapshell turtle
/ tortue molle du Sénégal
Cyclanorbis senegalensis

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