Wolof Vocabulary relating to Farming

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pàrka bi plant nursery bed sàppe si rows in a seedbed ?field
raŋ row njiyeef gi seedlings
cox bi hull of grains mbakkan mi/saañ bi plant germ
gittax millet stem or sugar cane stalk sàkket to make a fence of reeds or millet stalks
palpal part of the millet plant which appears with the head
gàncax gi sprout, vegetation, greenery saxayaay si plant which sprout spontaneously
tos gi compost neefare ji horse dung
ndéef li cow dung baara bi type of weed
saawo si rut of track of animals, furrow


illeer bi head of a traditional weeding instrument gopp bi handle of illeer
soox-soox bi /ŋoos-ŋoos small hoe larmet gi hoe
coos bi type of hoe konko bi instrument for making a hole for sowing seeds
masin bi machine cunwaar gi type of plough/seeder
peel bi spade pikk bi pick
sémmiñ wi axe sàrt bi sickle
jaasi ji machete daba bi/ carappan digging tool with a forked handle
sàq mi small grain silo
roosuwaar bi watering can mbalka mi water cistern


xar ay saawo to plough in furrows
ji; to plant seeds nji mi the planting
tex planting via punching holes after a good rain
faraas/faru to sow before the rains rëdd to plant in lines by tracing
tobbi to plant by punching hole before placing seed wis to plant by scattering seed
jëmbët; to replant, plant njëmbët mi replanting
samp to plant [a post etc] in the ground
ñag to make a hedge tàppaat to make enclosure, barrier or fence
taxas gi hedge or pile of thorny branches
ruuj to clear for cultivation raadu to level the soil after planting peanuts
rijji to turn the soil over deeply gàbb to work the soil, turn the soil over
jeqi to turn the soil over deeply
bey to cultivate, weed mbey mi the weeding
baxaw to do the first weeding beyaat to re weed
bàllarñi to do the third weeding nabaat to do he last weeding before harvest
treete to treat with insecticide or herbicide
góob to harvest cereal crops ngóob mi the harvest
wiis to harvest by picking gub to cut grass
witt/watt to pick crops witt mi the picking
xalbét to knock down by throwing stones etc. bàcc to beat branches to make the fruit fall, thresh grain
raas to gather fallen fruit takk to tie
gas to dig, harvest root crops dagg to cut, to harvest cabbages etc
buddi to pull up déqi to harvest peanuts with a hoe removing plant and roots
dajale to gather tar bi small pile of peanuts that have just been harvested
naaf to gather the dried piles of peanuts or rice into a big pile to thresh
ngar to gather cut millet plants into one large pile saxaat/saqaat to harvest vegetables
suuxat to water, irrigate/take care of roose to water
wal to pound a grain until it becomes flour soq to pound a grain to remove the hull
dëbb to pound bojj to separate the grains from the stalk
bees to winnow, to sift jéri to ventilate, to air, to sift
foof the second winnowing to remove the hull wol to mill
focci to sprout a head jebbi to resprout
naat verdant set to be clean, free of weeds
booy to be in fallow nàyyi to lie in fallow
yaa/yaatu to be wide, spacious


joor gi sandy plain suuf si soil
gannuus/ gannuuf gi sandy soil deg wi heavy loamy soil
jéeri ji high ground in the Senegal River Valley tàkk li area near a river, bank
tóokër bi garden in a compound tool bi field
ektaar hectare


bekkoor bi drought, dry period noor bi dry season
cooroon li period of humidity just before the rains nawet bi wet season
lolli bi period just after the wet season when wet season plants remain green
aktembënd period after rains when everything dries up
sàttumbar wi period around Sept with much wind & clouds but little rain
waxset wi period of heavy rain in wet season generally about the month of August
niis; niis wi sky covered with clouds niir wi cloud
xiin; xiin wi sky covered with storm clouds

Wolof seasons diagram

Relating to Trees

dàtt bi trunk of a tree bànqaas bi major branch
car bi branch cataxlax bi small branches at the top of a tree
reen bi root xob wi leaf
xas mi bark tóor-tóor bi flower
meen mi sap doom fruit

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